Why do Latin-Americans love eating with the family so much?

In this house, we are Hispanic and we love eating together. Here I will share some of the reasons why family dinners make us so happy.

Latin Americans like to talk:

And when we eat together, we take much longer than any other family because we catch up on our days, we tell stories and we laugh. We see the dinner table as a place of unity, and there is always space for more people. “Add more water to the soup,” says Grandma from the kitchen, because if there is anything we know as Latin families, it is that there is always room for others. Our family is our biggest support system, and being able to count on them brings great feelings of tranquility and equilibrium.

As Latin-Americans we love sharing:

We are never alone because our family is always present. When we are together as a family, we learn solidarity, honesty, friendship and the value of having fun in an environment that’s filled with love. Dinner revolves around sharing the love we have for each other: When the grandmothers cook, their delicious food is also a form of their identity, for special tastes connect us with who we are, including our traditions and values. In Venezuela, they say, “The best hallaca is the one my mom makes.” And it’s probably true, because its main ingredient is love.

The jokes are never missing:

The dinner hour is also a time to make jokes. The thing is, as Hispanics, we see everything – and we always have a sense of humor. It doesn’t matter if there are problems or difficult situations we must address; we will tackle any issue with a touch of good humor. It’s a lifestyle, and when we sit and eat
together, the jokes come out naturally. In a Hispanic family, you learn to see things in a positive way: The good humor makes us believe that things will always get better.

For us eating together is a pleasure:

We like to eat, and we love our food, our tastes and our presence!

For Latin Americans, family is the most important thing!


Tell me ¿What are your reasons for why Hispanics like to eat together?