What Are the Treasures in Your Life?

Here I will tell you about 4 things that I keep as precious treasures in my life. Talk to your little ones and make a list of your own treasures &mdash those that are so important that you

3 Incredible Things to Learn from Traditional Games

Circle games not only are very musical and fun, but they are also wonderful learning opportunities for young children. Take this time to connect with your children and give them important

Why do kids like games that go round and round?

How fun are group activities? Do you remember your favorite games? I’m sure you preferred games that involved your friends. For example, you probably remember how happy you were at recess when

Memory Game

If you have seen carefully the image in Facebook, surely you can correctly answer these questions: How many Tapirote’s objects are in that image?  How many pairs of boots are there?  How

Five Simple Practices to Teach Our Kids to Be Friendly

A mother tells her small child, “Say hello, my love.” She encourages him to use his manners. The child, a bit indifferent, doesn’t listen. He doesn’t even move. How many parents has this happened