What Are the Treasures in Your Life?

Here I will tell you about 4 things that I keep as precious treasures in my life. Talk to your little ones and make a list of your own treasures &mdash those that are so important that you cannot buy them with money.

This exercise is a good practice to teach children about gratitude and the importance of intangible assets.

The Beauty of Nature:

It is in learning to appreciate and value nature that we can train our ability to see the good that surrounds us &mdash to train our gaze to focus on beauty and learn that the beautiful things in the world are as diverse as nature itself. Besides, is there a more joyful activity than climbing trees to pick fruit? I love mangos and mango trees! I am convinced that there is nothing better in the world than learning to enjoy ourselves in the natural world, and for children there are great opportunities to learn from the beauty of nature: the value of life, connecting with the essentials, and learning the greatness of the universe locked in a flower.
What a great treasure nature is!


The Joy of Friends:

Sharing my life with the people I love most is something that fills me with great happiness. My friends support me when I am sad, and they are also fantastic companions who live incredible adventures. I would not change them for anything, and for this reason, whenever I see them, I tell them how much I love them.
My friends are a very special treasure!


The Love of Family:

Being at home with my family makes me feel fantastic. With my family, I can do anything because they always tell me that I will achieve my dreams. And you know what? It is true! Our families love us so much, and they will never abandon us. They are always there to support us in everything we do.
My family is my most valuable treasure!


The Thrill of Learning:

Learning is the most wonderful thing in the world because it allows us to enter new universes of knowledge and grow! I am very excited about learning something new because I know that I will have the opportunity to discover my talent and feel pride in what I do.
The thrill of learning also leads me to a number of other super-valuable treasures!

Here I will share a story about two of my friends. They lived a great adventure in search for a very special treasure. Do you want to find out more? Watch the video!

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