Amazing Activities to Do at the Beach

What kid doesn’t like to go to the beach? Though not all children like the sand or the ocean, the truth is that most children enjoy going to the beach. When we go to the beach, we connect to nature and are filled with the powerful energy of the ocean.

When you go to the beach, enjoy these activities and make time to have fun with your family:

Make sand castles

Take different things such as plastic cups and figure molds to build incredible structures in the sand. Help little kids dig holes, and while you do so, speak to them about the textures they perceive, the temperature of the sand, and the shapes they are making. Create a story, imagine all the characters, and represent it in the sand castle that you are building together.

Juana en la Playa

Run barefoot in the sand

When we run barefoot in the sand, we stimulate the sensory points in our feet. We don’t pay much attention to those, but they are very important because these points favor good circulation. In addition, running barefoot in the sand helps us work on our equilibrium. And of course, racing on the beach is a very fun activity. Don’t stop doing it!

Burry and unbury things in the sand

Is there any place better than the beach to look for hidden treasures? Children love pirate games, so invent a game that consists of burying objects in the sand and finding them later on. If you do it with a map, the game will not only be more fun, but it will help your little ones develop their spatial skills.

Take the beach with you

When you get home, how about you come together to relive the experience of the beach? Converse with your little ones about the animals and seashells they saw, as well as the games they played. This will not only allow the children to connect with their memories of happiness, but it will also be a fun activity to help your kids strengthen their vocabulary and their knowledge of colors and shapes.

Download these free printable ocean animals dot to dot and color them. Let’s have lots of fun!