How to Talk to Children During Difficult Situations

Things happen that are sometimes complicated for adults to understand. Imagine how hard certain situations can be for the little ones! That’s why I want to share with you these three ideas that can be very helpful when we face these trying times:


For Dad and Mom:

Keep Calm

The most important thing is that the adults responsible for the children are attentive to their emotions. Staying calm in the face of stressful situations encourages the kids’ emotional restraint, as children are undoubtedly the most vulnerable people in these events.


Breathe and Regulate Your Emotions

If staying calm is difficult, know that it is okay to take some time. Find a space where you can find peace of mind, breathe, count to 10, and validate your emotions. When you regulate your emotions, you provide a great example of emotional intelligence for the kids.


Filter the Information They Receive

Everyone is responsible for deciding what to share with the children. This decision can be fundamental to maintaining the kids’ emotional well-being. It is also good in difficult situations to remember that not everyone tells the facts in an entirely accurate way, so in those cases the most prudent thing is to have a list of people in whom you trust.


To Communicate with the Kids:


Keep Routines at Home

The most important thing is to guarantee the physical and emotional well-being of your little ones. If a difficult situation makes them spend long hours at home, they should try to maintain the routines to which they are accustomed. With this small gesture children can maintain their emotional and mental balance, and thereby minimize their fears and anxiety.

Avoid Watching or Listening to Violent Videos, News, or Speeches

This is not a question of isolating the little ones, but of protecting them from what they do not understand. Reality can be difficult for adults to accept at times, so in children the effects of negative situations are greater. Ensure your children hear difficult news directly from you.


Answer Their Concerns Using Age-Appropriate Language

When they see something, perceive a change, or simply feel that Mom and Dad are a little worried, do not skip the conversation. You can approach the topic by telling them in simple language what has happened. Make sure to pay attention to how they are receiving the information. Ask them what they think about your discussion and listen to their opinions; offer emotional support, and let them know that even though they are facing a difficult scenario, being united as a family offers an opportunity to grow from love.