3 Ways to Turn Around Not Enough Time
Have you heard about how tired moms get? If you’re a mom and you are reading this, you probably know what it’s like not to have enough time and to be tired often. So here are three ways to turn around not having enough time:
Have a Support Network
Grandparents, aunts, teachers, and friends are just some of the people who make up a mother’s support network. Have people around you who can help care for the little ones, lend a hand when you need to work, and give you time for yourself when you need it. Cultivate these relationships! Support networks are super-useful for families because they promote balance in every relationship. A mom who cares for herself and is looking out for her family’s well-being is going to be emotionally available to her little ones and her family.
How is your support network?
Set Priorities
This can be very difficult, but it is possible. With so many things to attend to, what is the most important for you? Sometimes it’s simply knowing that the dishes, the clothes, or the house can be cleaned at another time. Because when your little ones want to play with you, that moment is unique. Childhood is very short; it can go by so fast that if we do not pay attention, then we risk losing those invaluable moments.
Make a list of what you have to do and then make a list of what you really want to do with your children. When you have both lists, look for the balance between what you have to do and those activities that make motherhood pleasurable.
What do you most enjoy doing with your little ones?
Be at Peace with Your Decisions
This will help you be at peace with the mother you’ve decided to be. Sometimes it is difficult for moms to deal with so many trials. The truth is that there is no manual on how to be the perfect mom, so the important thing is to be aware that what you do stems from the deepest love. Know that you should be at peace with the mother you decided to be. You know that what you do is the best thing for your children because you do it from a place of love &mdash you are thinking about them and their well-being, and considering those things that promote the development of their strengths and talents by joining them on their journey.
Enjoy Being a Mom!
Share with your children and live in the moment. There is plenty of time for everything else.
Play with your children as much as you can. In my app, we have a section where we offer ideas on ways to share quality time as a family.
Click here and download my app Juana the Iguana Goes to the Beach.