The Wonderful Benefits of Making Up Stories with Children

Who doesn’t like to listen to and read bedtime stories? These stories are perfect for a good time, as they help us have fun and learn. And you know what’s just as funny as reading stories? Making up our own stories!

When families spend time telling and making up stories, we are creating not only a fun game and a great space to share a connection, but we are also supporting our children in their effort to acquire new cognitive and emotional skills.

I will share some of them right here:

Intellectual development

To invent stories, we have to activate our imagination, consider logical solutions for every situation, maintain consistency and formulate potential problems and solutions. This is a great exercise for your brain.

Stimulates memory

Learning to follow the thread of a story and continue it keeps our mind and memory active. We must remember details, situations and characters. So, if you want to get your little ones’ attention and stimulate their ability to memorize new information, sit down with them and start speaking in a way that makes them focus. Give them instructions or tell them a story. Depending on their age, your story can vary in its complexity: one or more characters, details regarding their personality, clothes and tastes, etc. Present a situation in which one or more characters must solve a problem. In fact, you can even create a specific scenario. Listen carefully to your child and have fun with your story!

Increases vocabulary

While your children tell you a story, give your full attention to what they are saying. When you listen to them, you can help them with the words they use and teach them some new options. You can also suggest words that are synonymous with the ones they use a lot.

Promotes values and knowledge of traditions

A good story consists of brave characters who go on incredible adventures. Also, incredible stories can teach your kids about the values that you want to promote in your family &mdash or perhaps an important family tradition. Inventing stories is a great way to present learning opportunities in a fun way for children.

Stimulates their speaking abilities

The exercise of storytelling is also a way to enhance our verbal communication skills. And not just in terms of how to convey a message in words, but also in how we incorporate this process into our body language. Telling stories gives children the opportunity to face the challenge of overcoming stage fright, work on their nonverbal communication skills and enhance their vocabulary.

You promote your ability to structure your world

Stories have a basic structure that consists of four elements: beginning, development, climax and conclusion. This structure is also a way of organizing the stories of our lives &mdash that is, how we process what happens to us in our minds. When children are trained in the art of storytelling, they also cultivate their ability to organize their own life experiences and work on their own thought processes.

You increase your self-esteem and self-confidence

After listening to a story your children invented, praise them, compliment them and tell them how exciting it was for you to hear their story. This will allow you to help them strengthen their self-perception.

You know your inner world

Listen carefully to your children when you tell them a story &mdash or when they tell you a story. Stories open a window into their inner world. Do not miss the details that touch your children’s emotions in their stories, or how they represent their characters’ relationships with others; use a magnifying glass to examine their metaphors about the world, including how they represent it and what they say about it. All of these things clue you in on their emotions, their values and their perception of the world. A good idea is to avoid imposing your vision or restricting your children’s freedom when they tell their stories. If something out of the ordinary catches your attention, you can discuss it politely at the end.

Let’s play and create a story! Do not miss the story of Tapirote, my friend the pirate. What if you could invent an alternate ending to this story with your little ones?

I will leave this picture for you to Download so that you can write your own ending to the adventure of Red Cape. 


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