Caring for Water at Home

Taking care of the water we consume at home is very important because it allows us to help maintain this very important environment.

Even the smallest actions can be very valuable.


I take good care of the water in my house with these three easy steps:

When I shower: I use only the water I need. When I’m soaping up or using shampoo, I turn the water off, and I always try to take quick showers. That way I don’t waste water!
When I brush my teeth: I turn off the faucet and only turn it back on to wash my toothbrush and rinse my mouth. Why use more water than you need to?
I don’t play with water: I would love to play with water, but the idea of wasting it makes me sad. As a result, I only play with my toys, this way I am taking care for this lovely planet.


How do you take care of the water in your house? Share what you do to care for this marvelous and vital liquid.