Practicing Kindness in the Family: Connecting Conversations

Today I want to share a tool that we use all the time: conversation. Through an everyday conversation, moms and dads can model small acts of kindness. Let’s use conversations that connect emotions to practice goodness in the family!


Kind Words Between Mom and Dad

How powerful it is for children to see adults speaking kindly in the home! Mom and Dad are not always going to be in a good mood, but if the little ones see their parents communicating in a respectful way, even when they are annoyed, they will understand that kindness produces better results. Friendly communication between couples can also be in the form of assertive communication, and this is reflected in a harmonious and healthy relationship.

When you talk to your children, also use kind words. Show them that you respect them to help them gain self-esteem, and to leave an important mark in their formation as kind people.


Cultivate the Habit of Being Genuinely Interested in What Your Children Say

Many times, Mom and Dad talk to their children not to listen to what they have to say, but to clarify their points of view as parents. Sometimes it is good to let go, listen to their words and tone, take in their posture, and from there offer an opinion that shows the children were truly heard. Active listening can be a delicate art, but with practice you can master the skill.

If you open up to what your kids have to tell you, you will discover a wonderful universe inside their little heads.

Why not start a conversation about how to celebrate your birthday? Often Mom and Dad plan big parties, but the kids rarely offer their take on these events. This conversation can be a great opportunity to rehearse with your children how to negotiate kindly, and it is also a great time to put your active listening skills into practice.

While organizing this party, do not forget to listen to my version of “Happy Birthday.”

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