Three Ways to Pass Down Traditions to Your Children

Traditions are important because they define people’s identities and emphasize connection in the community. Transmitting traditions to the little ones preserves our cultural identity. Here’s how we can share traditions with our children:


Celebrate every holiday or special event from your country, and transmit the tastes of the celebration to your children. Invite them to listen to a story, and get ready to share a children’s story that reflects why that tradition is important to your family.


This is the most important part of any tradition &mdash the opportunity to meet members of your extended family. A celebration, a typical party of our country, gives us time to share the most loving embrace of all.


Each dish tells a story. Latin flavors are unique, and full of ingredients that are typical of each region. When Latinos eat a dish, we also savor some of our family history. When we gather to eat, we not only nourish the body, but we also feed the soul.
Watch this fun video of the song “Arroz con Leche”.

Food is so important to cultural traditions that a dish can define a holiday. What are some of the traditional dishes in your country?
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