My Message for Moms Who Compare Themselves to Others

Moms are invincible, but they often go through times when they are questioned and start comparing themselves to other mothers. Here are some ideas to encourage you in these moments:

You think you’re not doing so well.

If you feel that another mother is doing great, what do you see in her that you do not recognize in yourself? Every mom has her own style, her own way of loving, and every family has their own way of relating to one another. It is normal to have doubts, for that is what teaches moms to be moms.

What can you do? Trust yourself and let your love for your children guide you in your decision-making.

You are not sure of the best parenting methods.

Moms face a lot of criticism. There is always someone with advice on how to better cure an illness, or someone with a unique take on the best sleep routines. And the truth is that applying everything you hear can be very tiring.

What can you do? If what you do works for you, there is no need to change your methods.

You believe that other moms have it together more than you do.

So many moms look suspiciously at other moms who appear impeccably relaxed at a children’s party, quiet during tantrums, and nothing seems to upset them. Then these same moms wonder how you do it!

What can you do? Life with children is chaotically beautiful, and if you think that it is easier for other moms, then maybe you are not seeing the full picture.

My Message to Moms: